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National Conversation on the Economic Activity

Recent online news and announcements on economic activity #isic0162NP - Support activities for animal production in Nepal.

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Check the Actor Atlas class-level sector map for the global conversation on #isic0162NP - Support activities for animal production.

Towards Shared Viewpoints

regime assessment (for the country)

English: Sector assessment

Ens wiki:Regime (meaning)
Interaction Dictionary: Monitoring & Evaluation Realm

  • ISIC Rev. 4 description of #isic0162NP - Support activities for animal production (activity)
  • CPC Ver. 2 description of (product/service): Check Actor Atlas sector map for CPC correspondences of agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis: activities to promote propagation, growth and output of animals, herd testing services, droving services, agistment services, poultry caponizing, coop cleaning etc.,· activities related to artificial insemination, stud services, sheep shearing, farm animal boarding and care. Activities of farriers.
  • Actor Atlas class-level sector map: #isic0162NP - Support activities for animal production

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