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Recent online news and announcements on economic activity #isic8522NP - Technical and vocational secondary education in Nepal.


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Check the Actor Atlas class-level sector map for the global conversation on #isic8522NP - Technical and vocational secondary education.

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regime assessment (for the country)

English: Sector assessment

Ens wiki:Regime (meaning)
Interaction Dictionary: Monitoring & Evaluation Realm

  • ISIC Rev. 4 description of #isic8522NP - Technical and vocational secondary education (activity)
  • CPC Ver. 2 description of (product/service): Check Actor Atlas sector map for CPC correspondences of education typically emphasizing subject-matter specialization and instruction in both theoretical background and practical skills generally associated with present or prospective employment. The aim of a programme can vary from preparation for a general field of employment to a very specific job. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the unit's or client's training facilities, educational institutions, the workplace, or the home, and through correspondence, television, Internet, or other means. This class includes: technical and vocational education below the level of higher education as defined in ISIC 853. This class also includes: instruction for tourist guides, instruction for chefs, hoteliers and restaurateurs, special education for handicapped students at this level, cosmetology and barber schools, computer repair training, driving schools for occupational drivers e.g. of trucks, buses, coaches.
  • Actor Atlas class-level sector map: #isic8522NP - Technical and vocational secondary education

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