#isic8620NP - Medical and dental practice activities
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- 1. शासन मूल्यांकन (देश को लागि)
- 2. को क्षेत्रमा संलग्न प्रत्येक भूमिका लागि अंतराल
- 3. को संभव स्थानीय विकास उद्देश्य सूची, र पहल ती हासिल गर्न
regime assessment (for the country)
English: Sector assessment
Ens wiki:Regime (meaning)
Interaction Dictionary: Monitoring & Evaluation Realm
- ISIC Rev. 4 description of #isic8620NP - Medical and dental practice activities (activity)
- CPC Ver. 2 description of (product/service): Check Actor Atlas sector map for CPC correspondences of medical consultation and treatment in the field of general and specialized medicine by general practitioners and medical specialists and surgeons; dental practice activities of a general or specialized nature, e.g. dentistry, endodontic and pediatric dentistry; oral pathology; orthodontic activities; family planning centres providing medical treatment, such as sterilization and termination of pregnancy, without accommodation. These activities can be carried out in private practice, group practices and in hospital outpatient clinics, and in clinics such as those attached to firms, schools, homes for the aged, labour organizations and fraternal organizations, as well as in patients' homes. This class also includes: dental activities in operating rooms, private consultants' services to inpatients.
- Actor Atlas class-level sector map: #isic8620NP - Medical and dental practice activities
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